What datatypes are supported in DFRNT

What datatypes are supported in DFRNT

The data types supported for DFRNT record values in data products follows what is supported in TerminusDB.

Data Products have schema and records, called documents in TerminusDB. A record can contain properties and a property can be either a defined value type, or a nested internal record. Each record, whether nested or not, has an address. The difference is that nested records are deleted together with its main record.

The data values that a property may have follows what is supported by TerminusDB (code reference). They are outlined in this article for completeness and what is exposed through the data product builder user interface. You may also want to review the The DFRNT data structures overview to learn more about how to construct data products.

Data types in TerminusDB mostly follow the data types (part 2) defined in the XML Schema Definition Language. It's an excellent reference to understand the details of them.

Base types


A string can be any text that follows the conventions of xsd:string and is represented in the same way as JSON strings. Newlines are supported and encoded as \n, "\" are encoded as \\.
Example in a JSON-LD object where string property has a string value:
"string_property": "This is a string\n\nNew string after two new lines and a \\ is encoded as \\\\"


Boolean values can be either true or false, following the xsd:boolean conventions and aligning with the semantics of JSON booleans.
Example in a JSON-LD object where string property has a string value:
"bool_property": true


Integers can be positive or negative whole numbers of any size. They adhere to the xsd:integer conventions and can be encoded as either JSON numbers (limited in JavaScript to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, which is equivalent to 2^53-1) or as strings to accommodate arbitrary length.
Starting from TerminusDB 11, DFRNT always returns xsd:integer values as strings to ensure proper processing by clients.
Example saving a JSON-LD object property with a negative integer value:
"int_property": "-12345"


Decimals are supported with arbitrary precision and are positive or negative. They adhere to the xsd:decimal conventions and can be stored as JSON decimals or strings to support high precision. Since TerminusDB 11, decimals are always returned as strings following conventions.
Example saving a JSON-LD object property with a negative decimal value:
"decimal_property": "-0.534"

IEEE floating-point


Floats follow the conventions of xsd:float and can be represented as JSON numbers or strings. However, they are always returned as strings. It's important to note that float precisions in TerminusDB align with IEEE semantics.
Example in a JSON-LD object:
"float_property": 0.1


Floats adhere to the conventions of xsd:double and can be represented as JSON numbers or strings, but they are always returned as strings. It's important to note that double precision in TerminusDB aligns with IEEE semantics.
Example in a JSON-LD object:
"double_property": -0.1

Time and date (ISO8601)


Date values encode the initial timestamp of a date according to ISO8601, following the xsd:date conventions and serialised as strings, with an optional timezone.
Example in a JSON-LD object:
"date_property": "2023-12-24"


Time values encode the initial timestamp of a specific time according to ISO8601, following the xsd:time conventions and serialised as strings, with an optional timezone.
Example in a JSON-LD object:
"date_property": "23:59:59"


DateTime values are encoded according to ISO8601, following the xsd:dateTime conventions and serialised as strings. This means that T is the separator between date and time. The timezone is not required in a dateTime but recommended, it is required though in an xsd:dateTimeStamp. Milliseconds are optional (.123)
Example in a JSON-LD object:
"date_property": "2023-12-24T23:59:59.123Z"


DateTimeStamp values are encoded according to ISO8601, following the xsd:dateTimeStamp conventions and serialised as strings. This means that T is the separator between date and time. The timezone is required in a xsd:dateTimeStamp.
Example in a JSON-LD object:
"date_property": "2023-12-24T23:59:59Z"

Recurring and partial dates, and periods


gYear values specifies a specific year according to the Gregorian calendar (ISO8601). More specifically it is an encoding that specifies the period of that specific year, following the xsd:gYear conventions and are serialised as integers. The timezone is optional.
Example in a JSON-LD object:
"period_property": "2023"


gYear values specifies a the duration of a specific month according to the Gregorian calendar (ISO8601).
More specifically it is an encoding that specifies the recurring period of that specific month of the year, following the xsd:gMonth conventions and are serialised as strings. The timezone is optional.
Example in a JSON-LD object:
"period_property": "--05"


gDay values specifies a specific day of the month according to the Gregorian calendar (ISO8601).
More specifically, it is an encoding that specifies the recurring period of that specific day of the month, following the xsd:gDay conventions and are serialised as strings. The timezone is optional.
Example in a JSON-LD object:
"period_property": "---01"


gYearMonth values specifies a specific month of a specific year, according to the Gregorian calendar (ISO8601).
More specifically, it is an encoding that specifies the period of that specific month of the year, following the xsd:gYearMonth conventions and are serialised as strings. The timezone is optional, here UTC timezone is specified with Z.
Example in a JSON-LD object:
"period_property": "2023-12Z"


gMonthDay values specifies a specific day of a specific month according to the Gregorian calendar (ISO8601).
More specifically, it is an encoding that specifies the yearly recurring period of that specific day of the specific month, following the xsd:gMonthDay conventions and are serialised as strings. The timezone is optional.
Example in a JSON-LD object:
"period_property": "--05-01"


Duration values specifies a length of time according to ISO8601.
It follows the xsd:duration conventions and are serialised as strings.
Example in a JSON-LD object for a duration (period) of 3 years and 6 months, 9 days, 6 hours, 30 minutes and 30 seconds. Note the P (period) prefix, and the T (time) separator.
"period_property": "P3Y6M9DT6H30M30S"


YearMonthDuration values specifies a length of time according to ISO8601 for time that is one day or longer.
It follows the xsd:yearMonthDuration conventions and are serialised as strings.
Example in a JSON-LD object for a duration (period) of 6 hours, 30 minutes and 30 seconds. Note the P (period) prefix.
"period_property": "P3Y6M9D"


DayTimeDuration values specifies a length of time according to ISO8601 for time that is one day or longer.
It follows the xsd:dayTimeDuration conventions and are serialised as strings.
Example in a JSON-LD object for a duration (period) of 6 hours, 30 minutes and 30 seconds, note the P (period) prefix.
"period_property": "P6H30M30S"

Limited-range integer numbers

Each of the limited-range integer numbers have min and max values that are enforced by the data product engine. Numbers are accepted as JSON integers and strings, and always returned as strings unless noted to be differently.


Signed 8-bit values, returned as integers, with sign when needed in representation.
Min: -128
Max: 127
"int_property": -128


Signed 16-bit values, returned as integers, with sign when needed in representation.
Min: -32768
Max: 32767
"int_property": -32768


Signed 32-bit values, returned as integers, with sign when needed in representation.
Min: -2,147,483,648
Max: 2,147,483,647
"int_property": -2147483648


Signed 64-bit values, returned as strings, with sign when needed in representation. Note that longs in Javascript clients must be less than 2^53-1, unless a BigInt library is used. It's recommended to encode all longs as strings to ensure conversion errors are avoided.
Min: --9,223,372,036,854,775,808
Max: 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
"int_property": "-9223372036854775808"


Unsigned 8-bit values, returned as integers.
Min: 0
Max: 255
"int_property": 255


Unsigned 16-bit values, returned as integers.
Min: 0
Max: 32768
"int_property": 32768


Unsigned 32-bit values, returned as integers.
Min: 0
Max: 4,294,967,295
"int_property": 4294967295


Unsigned 64-bit values, returned as strings. Note that longs in Javascript clients must be less than 2^53-1, unless a BigInt library is used. It's recommended to encode all longs as strings to ensure conversion errors are avoided.
Min: 0
Max: 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
"int_property": "18446744073709551615"


PositiveIntegers must be larger than zero (>0) and of any size. They adhere to the xsd:positiveInteger conventions and can be encoded as either JSON numbers (limited in JavaScript to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, which is equivalent to 2^53-1) or as strings to accommodate arbitrary positive length.
Starting from TerminusDB 11, DFRNT always returns xsd:positiveInteger values as strings to ensure proper processing by clients.
Min: 1
Example saving a JSON-LD object property with a positive integer value:
"int_property": "195"


NonNegativeIntegers must be larger than or equal to zero (>=0) and of any size. They adhere to the xsd:nonNegativeInteger conventions and can be encoded as either JSON numbers (limited in JavaScript to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, which is equivalent to 2^53-1) or as strings to accommodate arbitrary positive length.
Min: 0
Starting from TerminusDB 11, DFRNT always returns xsd:nonNegativeInteger values as strings to ensure proper processing by clients.
Example saving a JSON-LD object property with a positive integer or zero value:
"int_property": "0"


NegativeIntegers must be less than zero (<0) and of any size. They adhere to the xsd:negativeInteger conventions and can be encoded as either JSON numbers (limited in JavaScript to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, which is equivalent to 2^53-1) or as strings to accommodate arbitrary positive length.

Max: -1

Starting from TerminusDB 11, DFRNT always returns xsd:negativeInteger values as strings to ensure proper processing by clients.
Example saving a JSON-LD object property with a negative integer value:
"int_property": "-195"


NonPositiveIntegers must be less than or equal to zero (<=0) and of any size. They adhere to the xsd:nonPositiveInteger conventions and can be encoded as either JSON numbers (limited in JavaScript to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, which is equivalent to 2^53-1) or as strings to accommodate arbitrary positive length.

Starting from TerminusDB 11, DFRNT always returns xsd:nonPositiveInteger values as strings to ensure proper processing by clients.

Max: 0

Example saving a JSON-LD object property with a negative integer or zero value:

"int_property": "0"

Encoded binary data


A hexBinary string may only contain 0-9 and a-f values with a length divisible by two. It encodes a byte by byte representation of binary data in pairs of hexadecimal values. It follows the conventions of xsd:hexBinary and is represented in the same way as JSON strings.
Example in a JSON-LD object encoding 8 bytes:
"binary_value": "0123456789abcdef"


A hexBinary string may only contain base64-encoded values with padded endings. It follows the conventions of xsd:base64Binary and is represented in the same way as JSON strings.
Example in a JSON-LD object encoding 8 bytes:
"binary_value": "eyJiaW5hcnlfdmFsdWUiOiAiMDEyMzQ1Njc4OWFiY2RlZiJ9Cg=="

Miscellaneous XSD types


An anyURI string may only contain IRI strings. A URL is a subset of an URI (non-internationalized IRI). TerminusDB works with International Resource Identifiers and anyURI supports IRI conventions. It effectively follows the conventions of xsd:anyURI and is represented in the same way as JSON strings.
Example in a JSON-LD object:
"anyURI_value": "https://dfrnt.com"


A BCP37 language tag


A whitespace-normalized string.


Tokenized strings


Strings following xsd:NMTOKEN conventions.


Strings following xsd:Name conventions.


Strings following xsd:NCName conventions.

Special types


Supports storing arbitrary JSON objects as string representations of JSON objects.


Supports storing arbitrary JSON objects as objects (beta).



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